Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sparky Ling

I’m convinced that my poor baby is sick.

On Friday, FBIL called saying that Sparky wasn’t feeling well but we assumed that he already took care of the situation. But on Saturday morning, Sparky quietly came up to me and sniffed my hand and that is so not Sparks at all. Sparks is a loud, barking (mad), jumpy-all-over-you kind of dog.

I must also add a disclaimer here that Sparky Ling is not my dog. He actually belongs to FBIL who doesn't have much time to see to him anymore and so FMIL has become the very unwilling surrogate mother and I the eccentric aunt who always has treats and walkies for him.

So anyway, back to Saturday morning, we asked FMIL and she said, “No la, the dog is perfectly fine. He was barking and scratching the door the whole of last night. There is nothing wrong with him.”

Phew, ok so maybe he was just lethargic from his nocturnal activities.

Then FMIL added, “Oh, he just can’t swallow properly. So he hasn’t been eating much.”


Obviously I got extremely kan chiong and was all ready to bundle him under my armpits and run like the wind to the nearest vet; the Boyfriend was a little calmer and suggested that we monitor the situation and make a decision by evening.

So I positioned myself next to Sparky’s feeding bowl, one eye on the TV and the other one trained on him the entire afternoon. It was truly a huge relief to see him take his first mouthful and swallow about 1pm.

He seemed fine over the rest of the weekend, just slower and lethargic but still barking incessantly so everyone had him written off as fine. I was still unconvinced but unfortunately outnumbered and so decided to leave it as that.

During Sunday night dinner I happened to mention this Sparky situation to my mum when she reminded me that dogs are like babies – barking is their only form of communication to us. So later that night, over drinks with the FPIL, I casually mentioned this nugget of information.

Silence around the table.

Finally FFIL said, “Yes that’s true as well. Maybe we have been writing off his barking as normal but he could be sick. He is almost 12 years old already.”

FMIL huffily retorted, “This is FBIL’s dog. Let him go take care of it.”

The Boyfriend and I decided to bring Sparks to the vet next Saturday to get him checked out once and for all.

FMIL, scratching her head, “Hmmm, I hope FBIL remembered to renew the dog licence then.”

Sparky is going to the vet this weekend, come hell or high water. I won't rest until I know that he is perfectly ok. I've even asked if he could move in with us when we got married and the Boyfriend laughed scornfully at the idea.

"Yeah right, you must be joking right? Sparky is so old and noisy. Anyway, how is your mother going to visit us in future like that?" Thoughtful pause. "Actually, let me think about it."

Disclaimer: Both the Boyfriend and I get along great with both sets of parents. We really do love everyone, they're all hilarious and incredibly fun.

*FPIL - future parents in law
*FFIL – future father in law
*FMIL – future mother in law
*FBIL – future brother in law

Location: 14th floor of misery
Current Condition: sleepy
Music: none

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