Sunday, November 9, 2008

Singing in the Rain

It's been such a long time since I lasted posted and so many things have happened.
There's just not enough time to go through everything but in a nutshell (*takes a deep breath*): Left my previous job, started a new chapter of my life, managed to squeeze in a short trip to KL and made some invaluable friendships, had some experiences with love life family and friends and possibly have become a stronger better person, lost some weight and possibly put it on back again, friends have returned and some making plans to leave, started watching 3-hr Hindi films and bonded more with mum, in a blink of the eye, my dad's due home again which is great news. (*Exhales*)

I guess what I feel right now is that no matter how bad the storm is, things will always get better. Life is getting exciting right now and I'm really happy career-wise. Looking back and comparing, I would say good experiences some good memories but shit am I glad to be out of that!

So all in all, I would say that other than some niggling worries, life is great! Thank you Jesus!

Note to Stinging Satire: Hang in there girl. Lots of love and we'll catch up next week!

Location: the BF's house
Current Condition: happy
Music: singing in the rain


Irony said...

I know life will always get better. No doubt about that. I'm ok. The decision made was for the best & I know that I deserve nothing but the best and will fight for that. Thanks for looking out for me. The tears have dried & its time to look forward (well, past my exams first) to a new beginning in the new year. :)

Stone-less Fairy said...

Hugs to you babe especially for being so strong. Sorry about this week; it's just been so crazy at work. Catch up after your exams? Muaks!